Happy international Youth Day from Tunisia.
Another quite significant Youth Day for Tunisian young activists, mentors, students, youth workers, and leaders from all around the country. Dedicating this day to the driving force of change and of the continuous efforts to stabilize the democratic transition of the country, we wish to all young change-makers of the world a happy International Youth Day.
Tunisia, winner of not only the title of the leader of the Revolution of Dignity 2011, but also the Nobel Prize for peace in 2015 still strives to build a pluralistic democracy and a peace democratic transition. All of the efforts rising to stabilize the country are significantly rising thanks to the solid efforts driven by civil society leaders. However, debates are still going whether youth of Tunisia represent an opportunity or a threat to the country's security and sustainable development.
Youth carry on building a new narrative in countering the state of waithood and violence in Tunisia.
Under the theme of "Youth building Peace" this year's International Youth Day s celebrated by this world's 1.8 billion young people - despite widespread desperateness and daily triggers and risks.
Now, it is easy to remind that 2 out of every 5 young Tunisian are unemployed and deprived from basic economic opportunities. The challenge is to recognize that small steps to address this issue is what will make the difference in Youth's lives 6 years after the uprise.
Tunisian Youth working on a Peace Building challenge in the light of "Peace not Pieces" bootcamp organized by iBuild Africa. |
Six years later, Tunisia has undergone a shift not only in its political system, but also in youth's expectations. Tunisian youth now are looking beyond written policies and political promises of a better future. They are rather creating an independent support system of individuals who give from their time and effort to support other youth in creating alternatives to numerous challenges, namely: a poor educational system, lack of opportunities, a limited access to the decision making table, and corruption- among others. Youth now recognize the importance of a well-structured approach towards the sustainability of their actions and efforts. And in order to be well-educated about all of the approaches adopted around the world to empower youth and trust them as the world's present and future.
Youth thinking globally and acting locally
The workshops on Structured Participation and Democratic Process under the Mediterranean University was an opportunity for over 140 participants to redefine the idea of mentorship and experiences exchange. The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe (NSC-CoE) organised it in co-operation with l’Observatoire National de la Jeunesse (ONJ) Tunisia; in partnership with the Consell Nacional de Joventut de Catalunya (CNJC) [Spain], and the European Youth Forum (YFJ).
From the first glimpse on the approach taken by the
The MedUni responds to the objective of the North-South Centre (NSC) Youth Co-operation Programme
to provide training and capacity-building for young people and youth organisations while facilitating
their participation in decision and policy-making in the framework of quadrilogue initiatives.
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